May 2016 notification letter:
Dear Friends and Family:
With so much emotion attached to this presidential election year, it was
with the mission of unity and peace that a National Prayer meeting was
held in Washington, D.C..
The front page photo of the May issue of Somos Primos is of a National
Prayer meeting, organized by Lewis and Rachel Hogan who founded United
Cry in 2014. Their goal,"a national movement of pastors and Christian
leaders dedicated to reclaiming America's future."
The day started out rain-drenched and freezing cold on Saturday April
9th, but thousands gathered with pastors and Christian leaders at the
Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. to pray for our nation in a "solemn
assembly" of unity. Attendees included many ethnicities, including
African-American, Caucasian, Asian, Native American and Hispanic, with
prayers in both English and Spanish. [US section]
In addition to reclaiming the future for our children and grandchildren,
Somos Primos wants to preserve the heroism and contributions of our
grandparents. Wanda Garcia and I thank all those who contacted the
Corpus Christi City officials concerning the ruinous condition of the
Dr. Hector P. Garcia Clinic site. Your action certainly helped. A fine
was placed against those responsible for allowing the building to fall
into such disarray. Well known columnist Joe Lopez is recommending
further action which can and should be taken in support of identifying
the Garcia Clinic site as an important Historic Civil Rights site.
[Texas section]
Maybe it is because of the growing ferocity of the Islamic attacks on
Israel, why I continue to receive many articles on the history of
Israel, revealing the unusual personal and unexpected historic events in
which Jewish lives have been saved. Many times their rescues came by
the heroic efforts of one or a small group of individuals. Over and
over it appears that individuals are moved to fulfill the biblical
prophesies that Israel will always exist. [5 articles in the Sephardic
At the April 9th National Prayer meeting, Messianic Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
said, "As long as God lives, there is hope, the light will overcome the
darkness." As we learn our history, and share our shared history with
others, we bring forth light and understanding.
God bless America, Mimi
Christians Occupy Washington in "Sacred Assembly"
Free course on the U.S. Constitution being offered online by Hillsdale
We the People of the U.S.A.
Children of GIANT Panel Discussion held at April 5th at the University
of Texas, San Marcos
May 6-7: Bexar County Tricentennial Symposium, "Spain's Encounter with
the New World
Many Truths Constitute the Past: The Legacy of the U.S.-Mexican War
The Truth about the University of Texas Massacre by Dan Arellano
Professor Rudy Acuña Receives John Hope Franklin Award
Ruben Alvarez Washington DC Bound!
61 million immigrants and their American-born young children now live in
the United States.
Inadmissible Aliens, 1952 Law
News of a minimum wage hike deal in California is met with relief -- and
anxious arithmetic
Low Apprehensions of Mexican Immigrants by Ana Gonzalez-Barrera
How Mexican immigrants ended 'separate but equal' in California by
Philippa Strum
Lorenzo A. Ramirez Statue and the Mendez Case
TAMACC is proud to announce the 2016 Women of Distinction!
Ideology/ Practice of Empire: U.S./ Mexico, Education of Mexican
Immigrants by Gilbert G. Gonzalez
SPAR, the Spanish Presence in Americas Roots California
The Forgotten Spanish Treasure by Robin Collins
Sister Maria de Ágreda, the Lady in Blue and the founding of the Texas
Missions by Joe Lopez
Film: Texas Before the ÁlamoHISTORIC TIDBITS
Sobre la leyenda negra anti-española
Las Inquisiciones Catolica y Protestantes, Examen Comparativo
On This Day
Lopez: Gregorio Cortez, the "one-man" gang
Dreamers Celebrated Marco Antonio Firebaugh's 10th Anniversary of his
Ralph Romero and the Thermal Boxing Club
Medal of Honor Recipient, Santiago Erevia passed away March 22, 2016
Officer Ramiro Martinez: The 50th Anniversary of the UT Tower Massacre
Memorial in Honor of Dr. Hubert J. Miller
Jean Carter Young Fish, Historian
Food City Commercial
DD-214s are NOW Online
Congratulations to the 65th Infantry Regiment "Borinqueneers"
Veterans Honoring U.S. military fatalities in Iraq, now to recognize
fatalities of Afghanistan war
A good history reminder, 1945 Naval Armada
Resource for qualifying for the Sons of the American Revolution
A Tale of Three Treaties: The Story That Changed the World
Patrick Henry and the Tejano Connections, of special interest to John
Inclan and Editor Mimi
Shocking DNA Results
Looking Ahead: September 15-17th, 2016, SHHAR Trip to Salt Lake
Find a Grave, FREE membership
LANIC, phone number lookup tool
Dig Deeper into Land Records by Kimberly Powell
Ancestry pedigree: Guerra Trevino Hernandez of South Texas
Students Teaching students in Anaheim, CA
America, Our Home: Great scholarship resource guide for undocumented
youth by MALDEF.
Three Statements by Latino/Chicano parents Regarding the study and use
of Spanish by their children
by Ben Alvillar
El Cinco de Mayo, the Real Reason We Celebrate by Dan Arellano
Cilantro Slays Food Poisoning by Daniel J. DeNoon
A Texas teenager's Quinceanera cost her family $6 million
Salud Familia!
Elías-Fontes Collection: Cubo Gallery, Tijuana, Baja California Cultural
Beneath the United States: A History of U.S. Policy toward Latin America
by Lars Schoultz
La República del Rio Grande by Beatriz de la Garza
America! Don't You Know Me? I'm Your Native Son: Geronimo
La Leyenda Negra Desde el Punto de Vista de Inglaterra
Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in Mediterranean,
Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800,
May 14, 2016: May 14, 2016: SHHAR's 30th Anniversary, speaker, Mimi
May 22, 2016: Logan Barrio Memories with special guest speaker Mary
Dr. Jose F. Moreno announced his candidacy for Anaheim City Council
District 3
Breath of Fire's Playwriting Workshops Bear Fruit!
May 5, 2016: Mariachi Sol De Mexico de Jose Hernandez
May 12, 2016: The National Hispanic Business Women Awards and
The House of Aragon, Chapter 18, Saving America by Michael S. Perez
Association of Latino Professionals for America
A Victory for Democracy in Whittier, California
May 1st, 2016: Marco Antonio Firebaugh Day Celebration
Brand new series of San Diego's Historic Places: Baja California Special
Harry Crosby and a Mexican Government Postal Stamp
University of California will admit 15% more California students this
Seattleite in line to be first U.S. Sephardic Jew to get Spanish
citizenship By Nina Shapiro
Cesar Chavez Day Celebrates legacy of United Farm Workers founder by Ann
Honoring the Legacy of Cesar Chavez in Las Vegas by Selena Torres
March Along the Santa Cruz by Rick Collins
May 22: Opens: Fractured Faiths: Spanish Judaism, The Inquisition, and
New World Identities
Elfedo Baca by Jesse Wolf Hardin
Ciudad Juarez Commercial/Entertainment District Bounces Back
Website: What happened today in Texas history and your birthday
Website: Texas, Laredo Arrival Manifests, 1903-1955
Tejano Genealogy Society of Austin (TGSA) 2016 Members' Choice Award
Proposal to designate Corpus Christi's Dr. Hector P. Garcia Medical
Clinic as a historic national park
The first civilian population of San Antonio
Rancho de las Cabras, A Forgotten World Heritage Gem
MAY 11: TCARA, LaJuana Newman-Leus on Rancho De Las Cabras
May 14: Antonio Clemente de los Santos Coy to be honored.
My ancestors in Texas History, Making the Historic Connection by John
Foreigners in the Own Land: Texas April 12 Event
All About Mary, University of Dayton, Ohio
Video: "Los Canarios de Luisiana", delivered to Instituto Cervantes at
Harvard University
AT&T and LULAC Empower Hispanic America with Technology, Cleveland,
Samora Legacy Archive has found a permanent home
Douglas County, Missouri, Juvenile Officer Threatens Home Schooling
65th Infantry Regiment "Borinqueneers" unveil Borinqueneers
Congressional Gold Medal
"Portugal, The Last Hope" Exhibition: April 7th-September 9, 2016
Uncovering the Luna Colony, a Lost Remnant of Spanish Florida by
Marguerite Holloway
Los conquistadores españoles de raza negra por Jorge Alvarez
Afro-descendants in Latin America
Stanford to show Little Bighorn drawings by Red Horse, a Native American
artist in the fight
Feds forced 17,000 from homes, marched them to Oklahoma!
Jewish mom perpetuates Ladino with kid-friendly music By Joanna Valente,
"The Miracle of Israel," movie about Jewish state's godly link
Portugal, The Last Hope: Sousa Mendes' Visas for Freedom
1948: Alaska Airlines and the Jews of Yemen by Joe Spier
2016: Yemen's Jews furtively flee to Israel, leaving an ancient legacy
Neanderthals killed off by diseases carried by humans coming out of
Africa By Hannah Osborne
Have Archaeologists Solved the Mystery of Stonehenge?
My Father-in-Law and the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Eradication Project in
Me, J. Gilberto Quezada
Ray Padilla Dual US/Mexico Citizenship explains from Experience
Creation of San Juan Bautista Del Rio Grande Del Norte by María Elena
Laborde y Pérez Treviño
Book online: European intervention, 1861-1867; Battle of Santa
Gertrudis, Ciudad Camargo, Tamaulipas
The Battle of Santa Gertrudis and General Antonio Canales
María de Estrada en Batalla de Otumba
La tumba de Pedro Flores por Antonio Guerrero Aguilar/ Cronista de Santa
Señor Virrey de la Nueva España Frey Antonio Marìa de Bucareli y Ursùa.
Baptism of adulto Donaldo Manuel Hudson, by Ricardo R. Palmerìn Cordero
Nombres iniciales de las islas del mar Caribe.
In Cuba, hearts are broken every day
We Seek the Truth by Victor Vargo
Rompiendo Falsedades, Falsedad: No Eramos Ciudadanos Expanoles
Cortes Constitucionales de España
Día de la Constitución Española
Peru, Part III trip of Producer-Director, Eve A. Ma (Dr. L. Eve
Armentrout Ma, Esq.)
Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Ponte Palacios y
Vicente José Morales y Duárez, criollo peruano, llegó a ser Presidente
de las Cortes de Cádiz.
Lea Salonga Disney performer
Filipino Vegetables & Their Benefits by Joseph Pritchard
Blushwood Tree Berry and Cancer Treatment by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
No more naps: Spain's prime minister wants to end the siesta by Gillian
Españoles Olvidados by José Antonio Crespo-Francés
100 años de D. Francisco Fernández de Bethencourt
Hispano América Unida
Making International Connections by Affinity by Christopher Bentley
Vasco de Gama's ship, rich in treasure and history, is found near Oman
by Christina Beck
Bible Knowledge to Ponder
Genealogista e Historiador Familiar
Cell Phone: 811 191 6334
"Hacemos tu Árbol Genealógico... El Árbol más Hermoso de la Creación"
Por medio de la historia familiar descubrimos el árbol más hermoso de la creación: nuestro árbol genealógico. Sus numerosas raíces se remontan a la historia y sus ramas se extienden a través de la eternidad. La historia familiar es la expresión extensiva del amor eterno; nace de la abnegación y provee la oportunidad de asegurarse para siempre una unidad familiar".
(Élder J. Richard Clarke, Liahona julio de 1989, pág.69)
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