---------- Forwarded message ----------
-- From: <mimilozano@somosprimos.com>
Date: 2015-02-01 23:55 GMT-06:00
Subject: Posible SPAM Somos Primos February 2015
To: mimilozano@aol.com
Dear Primos, Friends, and Readers:
Recently, as I was finishing up the February article I got a telephone from Colorado artist, Eddie Martinez. His Cuauhtémoc,the Last Warrior King is on the front page of the February issue of Somos Primos. The link will take you to Part 2, "Walking the streets of Spain while sketching and listening for voices from the past."
Eddie shared his plans for him and his wife to travel to San Antonio, New Orleans, Pensacola, and St. Augustine to sketch, photograph, and record evidence of the earliest of Spanish presence in the United States in those locations. The goal,walking the streets of the United States, seeking early historical evidence of the Spanish presence, listening for those voices.
After we got off the phone, I started thinking of Eddie's selfless dedication and the dedication of many Hispanics, who individually are making huge contribution in presenting the truth about our ancestors. All together our efforts are changing popular/preferred history with facts. The changes are through sharing and honoring the histories of our ancestors and the many heroes who have fought for our right to be included in the history of the United States. Our history is the history of the United States.
You will read in this issue many, many heritage project happening, projects headed by individuals and groups, with an endless expressions of sharing who we are . . . observing special historic dates with parades and community events, cemetery restorations, families and military statues, history and genealogy conferences, writing and oral history projects, restoration and site preservation, cultural events, lectures, class room visits, reenactors, historical plaques, books, articles, exhibits, murals, presentations, newspaper columnists . . most importantly, they are activities of our history . . . told by us.
I hope as you read these stories and articles, you will be inspired with a project that you can engage in . . . your family and your history matter.
God bless you and your family, Mimi
Clips from 1970 July 4th TV special, hosted by John Wayne
Why Is Hollywood Only Making One Film About Latinos in 2015? by Adam Hofbauer
Gina Rodriguez Wins The Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Comedy by Yvonne Villarreal
SACNAS and "Spare Parts" movie by JV Martinez
About Dr. Jose "JV" Vergara Martinez - Physicist
A Renaissance of Hispanic Culture by Dr. Lino García
The Star by Daisy Wanda Garcia
Introduction to Construction Work Is Getting More Deadly, But Only For Latinos by David Noriega
If you tell a lie often enough eventually it will be accepted as fact by Dan Arellano
Harry Truman was a different kind of President.
Suggested money saving cuts from the National Budget
Walking the streets of Spain while sketching and listening for voices from the past,
Part 2, Sevilla by Eddie Martinez, edited and translated in Spanish by Viola Rodriguez Sadler
Oral history project: The Mexican side of Colton, California
Equestrian statue of Bernardo de Galvez in Menard Park, Galveston Texas
Statue of Col. José de Escandón y Helguera
Descendant of rancho family seeks to mark historic graves by Martha Groves
Chicano History Week (Feb 2-8)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
31 Rolls of Undeveloped Film Shot by an Unknown WW2 Soldier
Latinos, the Voting Right Act and Political Engagement
José Joaquín de Arrillaga (1750-1814) Gravesite Renovation
January 9th, 1836 -- Frontier icon Crockett loses election, heads for Alamo
January 26th, 1839 -- Republic passes homestead law, sets aside land for education
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, February 2, 1848 by Dan Arellano
English Policy in the New World: Plantation Settlements by Mimi Lozano
Peter Chacon: California Assemblyman and Educator, June 10, 1925 – December 14, 2014
Reies López Tijerina: Indo-Hispano Activist, September 21, 1926 - January 19, 2015
Michele Serros: Author, Poet, Comedic social commentator, February 10, 1966 - January 4, 2015
The Royal Family of the Canary Islands by John Inclan
Many Whites Today Would Have Been Classified as Black in the 1940s by Annalee Newitz
European Ancestors hailed from three different groups
Asian Native American Dogs
Rootstech Conference, February 12–14, 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah
Find the right family history app for the job with the new FamilySearch App Gallery
Top 50 Resources: Genealogy by Barry Newsletter
The Condition of Latinos in Education: 2015 Factbook
The Preuss School, UCSD, #1 Transformative High School in the Nation
Walt Disney Company, Scholarships to Top Hispanic Students Nationwide
Achievement First
Global Latino Education Advocacy Days Summit, March 26, 2015
Future History Makers Award Application and Criteria
Ryan Ruelas, One of the 100 2014 Influencer in Orange County, CA
Education – The Recipe for Success by José Antonio López
Free Texas Almanac Teacher's Guide has
Conversation With Carlos Santana by Julia Bencomo Lobaco
Coloratura soprano: Angel Ng
The Real Face of Santa Claus by Ryan Scheel
Three Kings of Orient
Music from the Canary Islands
To be or not to be, a Spanish speaker? by Margarito J. Garcia III, Ph.D.
Felipe Urrutia, singer, songwriter, and collector of Nicaragua's traditional music dies
BAJA California: California, February 28th, three internationally acclaimed performing groups
Cuauhtli Academy of Cultural Arts and Literature, Austin
Murals Under the Stars by Gregorio Luke . . . 2014 Yearly Report
International Latino Book Awards
National Association of Hispanic Publishers
Gálvez/Spain - Our Forgotten Ally in the American Revolutional War: A Concise Summary of Spain's Assistance, by Judge Edward F. Butler, Sr.
Seeking Latino Newspapers for Digitizing Project
LARED-L is a National Latino/Chicano Network
Hidden Enemy by Jessey Munoz
Patriots from the Barrio by Dave Gutierrez
Champion of the Barrio: The Legacy of Coach Buryl Baty by: R. Gaines Baty
The World of the Mexican Worker in Texas;
The World War I Diary of José de la Luz S
The Adventures of Nolda and His Magical Scooter by Armando Rendon
Rethinking the Chicano Movement by Marc Simon Rodriguez
Backroads Pragmatists: Mexico's Melting Pot and Civil Rights in the United States By Ruben Flores
Civil Rights: Is There More to the Story? by Shana Burg
Democratizing Texas Politics: Race, Identity, and Mexican American Empowerment,1945–2002 By Benjamin Márquez
'Our America,' by Felipe Fernández-Armesto
Korean War Veterans Memorial located on the Washington, DC mall.
Video: Vietnam, Service, Sacrifice, and Courage
Ceremony to honor revived monument by Erika I. Ritchie
A Beachside Retreat for Veterans
Video: The Longoria Affair
Her military mission in 1944 helped fellow Hispanic women by St. John Barned-Smith
Book: Mexican Americans in the Making of America by Neil Foley
Colbert's Raid: The Last Battle of the American Revolution between Spain and England
by Rueben M. Perez
David Belardes, historian, Juaneño activist, died December 29th
February 14: SHHAR, Don Garcia, The Genealogical Services Offered by Family Search
Author Alex Moreno Areyan
SHHAR 2015 Calendar of upcoming Speakers
National Hispanic Business Women's Association
Northgate Market's Niche by Heather Skyler
Preserving History by Stefan Weichert
Chicano Heroes de Aztlan Exhibit, March 7th Reception
ARCOS, Arts in Communities and Schools
Santa Ana Deliberately Burned Down Its Chinatown in 1906 --And Let a Man Die to Do It
by Gustavo Arellano
The House of Aragón, Historic Novel of Los Angeles by Michael Perez
National Institute for Baseball Studies, Whittier College
Feb 26-28, 2015: Conference of California Historical Societies
Sainthood announcement of Father Junipero Serra spurs hope to see Pope
The History of Neighborhood House in Logan Heights: Mary Barrios, Early Years by Mary E. Garcia
Pete Chacon paved way for Latinos in California
San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo Mission in Carmel, California
2015 National Hispanic Business Women Association California Educational Scholarship Program
1901 shipwreck near Golden Gate found by Carl Nolte
Replica of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo's 500 year old flagship being built
1969 Map of Private Internet Connections
Changing Latino Demographic in Utah Highlighted in New Book by University of Utah Professor
Boulder County Latino History Project - City of Boulder resolution
Oregon Was Founded As a Racist Utopia by Matt Novak
Face of a movement: Reies López Tijerina fought for Chicano rights by Ramón Rentería
"El Tigre" Reies López Tijerina, Por Felipe de Ortego y Gasca
Tejano Land Grant Society
Arizona to require civics test for high school
Edward Rosenstock Alcantar Connecting with Arechabala Carrillo Family Members
Laura K. Munoz, Romo v. Laird: Mexican American Segregation & Politics of Belonging in Arizona
Why Do Farmworkers Still Lack Workers' Comp? by Marianne L. Bowers
The St. James Hotel Monument by Louis F. Serna
Jose Antonio Navarro Cenotaph Unveiling
Signature Houston Mural Set for Restoration by Jayme Fraser
Spanish Cannon Comes Home to the Alamo
Settling Texas, Castroville
Coal Mining in Las Minas, Santo Tomas Coal Field by Erasmo "Doc" Riojas
Comments on the 1954 Laredo Flood by Gilberto Quezada
Frank Nieto Lujan by Prima Elisa
Notre Dame Archives: Louisiana and the Floridas Source
Some great facts about New Orleans, Louisiana
Hector P. Garcia Centennial Birthday Commemoration, 2014, Omaha, Nebraska
Kansas City, Kansas public library January 17, 2015 honors Dr. Hector P. Garcia
Forum for Hispanics/Latinos in Ohio and their friends in the nation
Building in Newton, Kansas which deserves attention
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Historical Markers, Photos by Bill Carmena
Our Views: Big honor for Galvez
Helen Torrence Bey, "Mother Bey"
Santiago Calatrava rebuilds St Nicholas Church on Ground Zero, "Out of the Ashes"
1915 First Incorporated Black City in Texas
1792 Spanish census records 247 male and 167 female mulattoes
Ben Ammi Ben-Israel, 75: led black group to Israel
Museum on slave trade planned for Episcopal Cathedral in Providence, Rhode Island
The Selma Voting Rights Struggle: 15 Key Points By Emilye Crosby
Forty Acres and a Mule By Rick Beard
Let Us Not Accept Historical Myths by Mimi Lozano
120 Years of Lakota History on This Calendar
A Genealogist Who Spent His Life Building a Cherokee Archive Retires
American Indian tribes can grow and sell marijuana on their lands
María Martínez: Story of an Indigenous Woman by Evelyn Puga Aguirre-Sulem
¿Y tú cómo te llamas?. Las voces de los pueblos indígenas por Benicio Samuel Sanchez
The De Riberas, Chapter Three The New World by Michael S. Perez
Genie's Gifts: Part Two: "How I Found My 15 Grandmothers/Como Encontre a Mis 15 Abuelas" Reviewed by Chana Mendez
After 522 Years, Spain Seeks To Make Amends For Expulsion Of Jews
Lauren Frayer and Emily Harris
Lobos y Perros Rabiosos: Legacy of the Inquisition in the Colonization of New Spain & New Mexico C. Michael Torres
AMCHA is the Hebrew word meaning "Your People", Text extracts from Blog by Gary Fouse
Erasing Israel by Yvette Alt Miller
Research finds Neanderthals probably weren't brutish, inferior cave men
Fotos Socidad de Genealogia de Nuevo León
Facebook: Sociedad Genealogica y de Historia Familiar de Mexico
La Sociedad Nuevoleonesa de Historia
Aztec App Brings Historic Mexico Codex Into the Digital Age
Exploring Colonial Mexico: Stone Retablos: San José Chiapa
El Índice Genealógico de Bautismos y Matrimonios sobre tu apellido
Families of Saltillo, Coahuila, Volume Thirteen, 2014 Year End Report by Crispin Rendon
Información matrimonial del Sr. Don Julio Gracida Somohano y Doña Rosario Porchini Gómez
El natalicio de Don Francisco González BocanegraCARIBBEAN REGION
La Revista del Instituto de Cultura Puertoriqueña
History and Mission of The Organization of American States
Correspondence with OAS
La cultura del Bosque. Alejandro Perez Becerra
Boletín de Genealogias Colombíanas, Editor: Luis Álvaro Gallo Martínez
The first Philippine and Asian President of a US Bar Association
by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
The Marines in the Philippines During Early 1900s' to Late 30s'
by Poppo OlagSPAIN
Gran Canaria sand sculptures
Los Islenos of St Bernard Video
Teresa Valcarce by Ángel Custodio Rebollo
La Batalla de la Isla de Saltés por Angel Custodio Rebollo
Catedral de Sevilla con La Salve Rociera
De Pedro Rivera al Marques de Rubi
España perdió más de 30 barcos mientras ayudaba a la independencia de EE.UU.
Dr. Lino Garcia, Jr., a Grand Ambassador of Texas by Dr. Julio Cuesta Domínguez
Levi Villarreal 27 de diciembre de 2014
Je Suis Charlie! Cartoon by Sergio Hernandez
Video: A look Inside Charlie Hebdo, Their Creative Process & the Making of a Fateful Cartoon
Here is a perspective on Islamization by Dr Peter Hammond.
Mapping the Global Muslim Population
Center for Security Policy
Incredible WWI Tribute In London Looks Like A River Of Blood…
Tens Of Thousands Of Germans Gather Together To Protest Against Islam
European Life Died In Auschwitz by Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez
WW II - British Military Cemetery in Libya Desecrated
Date: 2015-02-01 23:55 GMT-06:00
Subject: Posible SPAM Somos Primos February 2015
To: mimilozano@aol.com
Dear Primos, Friends, and Readers:
Recently, as I was finishing up the February article I got a telephone from Colorado artist, Eddie Martinez. His Cuauhtémoc,the Last Warrior King is on the front page of the February issue of Somos Primos. The link will take you to Part 2, "Walking the streets of Spain while sketching and listening for voices from the past."
Eddie shared his plans for him and his wife to travel to San Antonio, New Orleans, Pensacola, and St. Augustine to sketch, photograph, and record evidence of the earliest of Spanish presence in the United States in those locations. The goal,walking the streets of the United States, seeking early historical evidence of the Spanish presence, listening for those voices.
After we got off the phone, I started thinking of Eddie's selfless dedication and the dedication of many Hispanics, who individually are making huge contribution in presenting the truth about our ancestors. All together our efforts are changing popular/preferred history with facts. The changes are through sharing and honoring the histories of our ancestors and the many heroes who have fought for our right to be included in the history of the United States. Our history is the history of the United States.
You will read in this issue many, many heritage project happening, projects headed by individuals and groups, with an endless expressions of sharing who we are . . . observing special historic dates with parades and community events, cemetery restorations, families and military statues, history and genealogy conferences, writing and oral history projects, restoration and site preservation, cultural events, lectures, class room visits, reenactors, historical plaques, books, articles, exhibits, murals, presentations, newspaper columnists . . most importantly, they are activities of our history . . . told by us.
I hope as you read these stories and articles, you will be inspired with a project that you can engage in . . . your family and your history matter.
God bless you and your family, Mimi
Clips from 1970 July 4th TV special, hosted by John Wayne
Why Is Hollywood Only Making One Film About Latinos in 2015? by Adam Hofbauer
Gina Rodriguez Wins The Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Comedy by Yvonne Villarreal
SACNAS and "Spare Parts" movie by JV Martinez
About Dr. Jose "JV" Vergara Martinez - Physicist
A Renaissance of Hispanic Culture by Dr. Lino García
The Star by Daisy Wanda Garcia
Introduction to Construction Work Is Getting More Deadly, But Only For Latinos by David Noriega
If you tell a lie often enough eventually it will be accepted as fact by Dan Arellano
Harry Truman was a different kind of President.
Suggested money saving cuts from the National Budget
Walking the streets of Spain while sketching and listening for voices from the past,
Part 2, Sevilla by Eddie Martinez, edited and translated in Spanish by Viola Rodriguez Sadler
Oral history project: The Mexican side of Colton, California
Equestrian statue of Bernardo de Galvez in Menard Park, Galveston Texas
Statue of Col. José de Escandón y Helguera
Descendant of rancho family seeks to mark historic graves by Martha Groves
Chicano History Week (Feb 2-8)
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
31 Rolls of Undeveloped Film Shot by an Unknown WW2 Soldier
Latinos, the Voting Right Act and Political Engagement
José Joaquín de Arrillaga (1750-1814) Gravesite Renovation
January 9th, 1836 -- Frontier icon Crockett loses election, heads for Alamo
January 26th, 1839 -- Republic passes homestead law, sets aside land for education
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, February 2, 1848 by Dan Arellano
English Policy in the New World: Plantation Settlements by Mimi Lozano
Peter Chacon: California Assemblyman and Educator, June 10, 1925 – December 14, 2014
Reies López Tijerina: Indo-Hispano Activist, September 21, 1926 - January 19, 2015
Michele Serros: Author, Poet, Comedic social commentator, February 10, 1966 - January 4, 2015
The Royal Family of the Canary Islands by John Inclan
Many Whites Today Would Have Been Classified as Black in the 1940s by Annalee Newitz
European Ancestors hailed from three different groups
Asian Native American Dogs
Rootstech Conference, February 12–14, 2015, Salt Lake City, Utah
Find the right family history app for the job with the new FamilySearch App Gallery
Top 50 Resources: Genealogy by Barry Newsletter
The Condition of Latinos in Education: 2015 Factbook
The Preuss School, UCSD, #1 Transformative High School in the Nation
Walt Disney Company, Scholarships to Top Hispanic Students Nationwide
Achievement First
Global Latino Education Advocacy Days Summit, March 26, 2015
Future History Makers Award Application and Criteria
Ryan Ruelas, One of the 100 2014 Influencer in Orange County, CA
Education – The Recipe for Success by José Antonio López
Free Texas Almanac Teacher's Guide has
Conversation With Carlos Santana by Julia Bencomo Lobaco
Coloratura soprano: Angel Ng
The Real Face of Santa Claus by Ryan Scheel
Three Kings of Orient
Music from the Canary Islands
To be or not to be, a Spanish speaker? by Margarito J. Garcia III, Ph.D.
Felipe Urrutia, singer, songwriter, and collector of Nicaragua's traditional music dies
BAJA California: California, February 28th, three internationally acclaimed performing groups
Cuauhtli Academy of Cultural Arts and Literature, Austin
Murals Under the Stars by Gregorio Luke . . . 2014 Yearly Report
International Latino Book Awards
National Association of Hispanic Publishers
Gálvez/Spain - Our Forgotten Ally in the American Revolutional War: A Concise Summary of Spain's Assistance, by Judge Edward F. Butler, Sr.
Seeking Latino Newspapers for Digitizing Project
LARED-L is a National Latino/Chicano Network
Hidden Enemy by Jessey Munoz
Patriots from the Barrio by Dave Gutierrez
Champion of the Barrio: The Legacy of Coach Buryl Baty by: R. Gaines Baty
The World of the Mexican Worker in Texas;
The World War I Diary of José de la Luz S
The Adventures of Nolda and His Magical Scooter by Armando Rendon
Rethinking the Chicano Movement by Marc Simon Rodriguez
Backroads Pragmatists: Mexico's Melting Pot and Civil Rights in the United States By Ruben Flores
Civil Rights: Is There More to the Story? by Shana Burg
Democratizing Texas Politics: Race, Identity, and Mexican American Empowerment,1945–2002 By Benjamin Márquez
'Our America,' by Felipe Fernández-Armesto
Korean War Veterans Memorial located on the Washington, DC mall.
Video: Vietnam, Service, Sacrifice, and Courage
Ceremony to honor revived monument by Erika I. Ritchie
A Beachside Retreat for Veterans
Video: The Longoria Affair
Her military mission in 1944 helped fellow Hispanic women by St. John Barned-Smith
Book: Mexican Americans in the Making of America by Neil Foley
Colbert's Raid: The Last Battle of the American Revolution between Spain and England
by Rueben M. Perez
David Belardes, historian, Juaneño activist, died December 29th
February 14: SHHAR, Don Garcia, The Genealogical Services Offered by Family Search
Author Alex Moreno Areyan
SHHAR 2015 Calendar of upcoming Speakers
National Hispanic Business Women's Association
Northgate Market's Niche by Heather Skyler
Preserving History by Stefan Weichert
Chicano Heroes de Aztlan Exhibit, March 7th Reception
ARCOS, Arts in Communities and Schools
Santa Ana Deliberately Burned Down Its Chinatown in 1906 --And Let a Man Die to Do It
by Gustavo Arellano
The House of Aragón, Historic Novel of Los Angeles by Michael Perez
National Institute for Baseball Studies, Whittier College
Feb 26-28, 2015: Conference of California Historical Societies
Sainthood announcement of Father Junipero Serra spurs hope to see Pope
The History of Neighborhood House in Logan Heights: Mary Barrios, Early Years by Mary E. Garcia
Pete Chacon paved way for Latinos in California
San Carlos Borromeo de Carmelo Mission in Carmel, California
2015 National Hispanic Business Women Association California Educational Scholarship Program
1901 shipwreck near Golden Gate found by Carl Nolte
Replica of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo's 500 year old flagship being built
1969 Map of Private Internet Connections
Changing Latino Demographic in Utah Highlighted in New Book by University of Utah Professor
Boulder County Latino History Project - City of Boulder resolution
Oregon Was Founded As a Racist Utopia by Matt Novak
Face of a movement: Reies López Tijerina fought for Chicano rights by Ramón Rentería
"El Tigre" Reies López Tijerina, Por Felipe de Ortego y Gasca
Tejano Land Grant Society
Arizona to require civics test for high school
Edward Rosenstock Alcantar Connecting with Arechabala Carrillo Family Members
Laura K. Munoz, Romo v. Laird: Mexican American Segregation & Politics of Belonging in Arizona
Why Do Farmworkers Still Lack Workers' Comp? by Marianne L. Bowers
The St. James Hotel Monument by Louis F. Serna
Jose Antonio Navarro Cenotaph Unveiling
Signature Houston Mural Set for Restoration by Jayme Fraser
Spanish Cannon Comes Home to the Alamo
Settling Texas, Castroville
Coal Mining in Las Minas, Santo Tomas Coal Field by Erasmo "Doc" Riojas
Comments on the 1954 Laredo Flood by Gilberto Quezada
Frank Nieto Lujan by Prima Elisa
Notre Dame Archives: Louisiana and the Floridas Source
Some great facts about New Orleans, Louisiana
Hector P. Garcia Centennial Birthday Commemoration, 2014, Omaha, Nebraska
Kansas City, Kansas public library January 17, 2015 honors Dr. Hector P. Garcia
Forum for Hispanics/Latinos in Ohio and their friends in the nation
Building in Newton, Kansas which deserves attention
Baton Rouge, Louisiana Historical Markers, Photos by Bill Carmena
Our Views: Big honor for Galvez
Helen Torrence Bey, "Mother Bey"
Santiago Calatrava rebuilds St Nicholas Church on Ground Zero, "Out of the Ashes"
1915 First Incorporated Black City in Texas
1792 Spanish census records 247 male and 167 female mulattoes
Ben Ammi Ben-Israel, 75: led black group to Israel
Museum on slave trade planned for Episcopal Cathedral in Providence, Rhode Island
The Selma Voting Rights Struggle: 15 Key Points By Emilye Crosby
Forty Acres and a Mule By Rick Beard
Let Us Not Accept Historical Myths by Mimi Lozano
120 Years of Lakota History on This Calendar
A Genealogist Who Spent His Life Building a Cherokee Archive Retires
American Indian tribes can grow and sell marijuana on their lands
María Martínez: Story of an Indigenous Woman by Evelyn Puga Aguirre-Sulem
¿Y tú cómo te llamas?. Las voces de los pueblos indígenas por Benicio Samuel Sanchez
The De Riberas, Chapter Three The New World by Michael S. Perez
Genie's Gifts: Part Two: "How I Found My 15 Grandmothers/Como Encontre a Mis 15 Abuelas" Reviewed by Chana Mendez
After 522 Years, Spain Seeks To Make Amends For Expulsion Of Jews
Lauren Frayer and Emily Harris
Lobos y Perros Rabiosos: Legacy of the Inquisition in the Colonization of New Spain & New Mexico C. Michael Torres
AMCHA is the Hebrew word meaning "Your People", Text extracts from Blog by Gary Fouse
Erasing Israel by Yvette Alt Miller
Research finds Neanderthals probably weren't brutish, inferior cave men
Fotos Socidad de Genealogia de Nuevo León
Facebook: Sociedad Genealogica y de Historia Familiar de Mexico
La Sociedad Nuevoleonesa de Historia
Aztec App Brings Historic Mexico Codex Into the Digital Age
Exploring Colonial Mexico: Stone Retablos: San José Chiapa
El Índice Genealógico de Bautismos y Matrimonios sobre tu apellido
Families of Saltillo, Coahuila, Volume Thirteen, 2014 Year End Report by Crispin Rendon
Información matrimonial del Sr. Don Julio Gracida Somohano y Doña Rosario Porchini Gómez
El natalicio de Don Francisco González BocanegraCARIBBEAN REGION
La Revista del Instituto de Cultura Puertoriqueña
History and Mission of The Organization of American States
Correspondence with OAS
La cultura del Bosque. Alejandro Perez Becerra
Boletín de Genealogias Colombíanas, Editor: Luis Álvaro Gallo Martínez
The first Philippine and Asian President of a US Bar Association
by Eddie AAA Calderón, Ph.D.
The Marines in the Philippines During Early 1900s' to Late 30s'
by Poppo OlagSPAIN
Gran Canaria sand sculptures
Los Islenos of St Bernard Video
Teresa Valcarce by Ángel Custodio Rebollo
La Batalla de la Isla de Saltés por Angel Custodio Rebollo
Catedral de Sevilla con La Salve Rociera
De Pedro Rivera al Marques de Rubi
España perdió más de 30 barcos mientras ayudaba a la independencia de EE.UU.
Dr. Lino Garcia, Jr., a Grand Ambassador of Texas by Dr. Julio Cuesta Domínguez
Levi Villarreal 27 de diciembre de 2014
Je Suis Charlie! Cartoon by Sergio Hernandez
Video: A look Inside Charlie Hebdo, Their Creative Process & the Making of a Fateful Cartoon
Here is a perspective on Islamization by Dr Peter Hammond.
Mapping the Global Muslim Population
Center for Security Policy
Incredible WWI Tribute In London Looks Like A River Of Blood…
Tens Of Thousands Of Germans Gather Together To Protest Against Islam
European Life Died In Auschwitz by Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez
WW II - British Military Cemetery in Libya Desecrated
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