Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Revista Genealogica en Linea: Somos Primos "We are cousins." February 2017 ​ http://www.somosprimos.com/sp2017/spfeb17/spfeb17.htm


Dear family, primos and friends:

Hope you are greeting the new year with hope and peace. I keep learning new things which brightens my days.  The world is such a miracle of balance, with extremes in every direction.  We feel separate from one another and yet when you trace your family history, you see how you must be related on some level with everyone.
Under the DNA section, you'll find a mathematical graph of ancestry. If you take your pedigree back to the 1400s,  you have 1,073,741,825 great, great, great, great, great grandparents; however, there were only 450,000,000, and you go back to two.

I had assumed in California, everyone knew a little Spanish and understood that the translation of Somos Primos meant, we are cousins.  I was surprised recently when a third person told me that they thought Somos Primos was saying . . . we were FIRST, which could be a little offensive.

Let suggest when you invite non-Spanish speakers to visit Somos Primos, you explain, we are not saying we are number one, or first,  instead we are saying we are cousins, related, connected.

We may be diverse and visually different, but we are connected, sharing this very unique earth. Hopefully we can each make the world a little bit better, within our sphere of influence.

Among the photos are eleven photos, with only the date and location, for identification.  Those are from a collection of tinted photochromes from the dawn of the 19th century.  These were published by the Detroit Photographic firm (which no longer exists), their firm's photographers traveled the country snapping the sights of North America to be printed on postcards and sold to the public. These photos were among the Beinecke rare books and manuscript library.  The Photo collection was sent by Eva Booher    EVABOOHER@aol.com

God bless America, may we continue to be a light to the world.


  01/26/2017 07:50 AM

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45 Mexican Barrios/Colonias in Orange County in the  1900s by Dr. Albert Vela, Ph.D.
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Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo, Citizen of Guatemala and Native of Palma del Río:
    New Sources from the Sixteenth Century by Wendy Kramer
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Circular Bridge, Mt. Lowe Railway 1897-1924

Photo:  Temple Square, Salt Lake, 1898. Built as a Mormon temple in 1847
Photo: Salt Air Pavilion, Great Salt Lake, Utah, 1901. Burned down in 1925.

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Photo: Gold's Curio Store, Santa Fe, New Mexico, circa 1897.
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Photo:  Pack Trail Ready for Mines, Colorado, 1904

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Photo: Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde, Colorado, 1904

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